
AnimeHay completely free, update new movies daily full vietsub

? Anime247 has movie filters according to many criteria: anime genre, release year or country to help anime viewers minimize the time to search for anime movies that match their interests and needs.

? Anime247 has a stable transmission, no delay or waiting for a long time

? Interface easy on the eyes, easy to use but equally eye-catching, modern with extremely user-friendly design

? Anime247 brings a high-quality visual anime viewing experience, suitable for each network connection due to integrating many options to watch 360, 480, 720 movies, or watch movies with full HD 1080, sharp on the device screen phone with live sound.

? Anime247 also supports saving history, creating and adding favorite movies to your personal movie library. This is the feature to watch your favorite anime movies that few anime movie apps currently on the market can do. Thereby, you can freely manage the anime movies you are watching, from which you can choose to watch anime, watch again or watch the next episodes in the same anime movie in an active and easy way. Not only that, Anime247 also supports syncing viewing history and favorites list to google drive, viewers no longer worry about losing history data when reinstalling the app.

? Anime247 allows users to customize or install the anime view easily, from adjusting volume, brightness, size, font style, subtitle colors, to movie quality, fast forward, rewind only by manipulation, gestures as simple as swipe on the touch screen

Hope Anime247 will bring you the opportunity to explore and experience the huge world of anime movies online in a perfect, smooth and convenient way!

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